Hi, Girls!

Today I want to talk to you in a clear and simple way about Hyaluronic Acid and its benefits for the skin, my two-star products: Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Cream and BB Hydra many women don’t dare buy it because they think that only because it has the word “acid” it sounds scary and it shouldn’t be like that, here you will learn why.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that we all have in our bodies and along with collagen they make a super team to prevent the aging of our skin and many of our tissues and organs have it, we can find it in cartilages for example.

Our skin possesses this marvel, but as time goes by we start losing it and this happens around the age of 35 and causes a loss of volume and firmness in our skin, giving place to the feared little wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid belkis barajas

What does hyaluronic acid do in our skin and how? Its function is to attract and retain water (over a thousand times its weight in water) and this helps to keep our skin hydrated and consequently beautiful, firm, and healthy.

That is the reason why our wonderful hyaluronic acid cream is so popular; it is designed so that its formula is absorbed by our skin, helping it look younger, firmer, and beautiful if it is used regularly.


What is my advice? It is never too late to start taking care of our skin; the important thing is that we do it with love, perseverance, and dedication. It doesn’t matter how old we are, but we start when we are younger we can have firmer skin for longer. We should always clean and treat our skin because clean skin is a healthy one!

Because clean skin is healthy!


Belkis Barajas

Founder & CEO
Author Details
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.
Founder & CEO
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.

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