Hi, Girls!!! I have received many questions about what to do for cellulite today I’ll give you a super easy and natural alternative.

Cellulite is not a weight problem, many women are thin also suffer from this condition, its origin? many, poor diet, lack of water consumption, not exercising, or just genetics.






All of us at some point have used anti-cellulite creams, or have gone to beauty centers to help reduce the orange peel, a lot has worked for them, may not. All bodies and genetics are different and this helps greatly influence treatment outcomes.

But if you’ve tried everything and this at that point you want to throw in the towel, you can try this natural recipe, which has worked very well for many women.



  • 1 cup ground coffee (already used)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 5 tablespoons of vitamin E oil (optional)



  • It’s so easy, just mix in a bowl coffee and sugar, then slowly mix the oil and you get your scrub.



Everyone days, preferably at night and in the shower after you bathe, if you do it with warm or hot water is better because the pores are open and thus more easily receive all components of this scrub.


Cafe para la celulitis


Take in your hand part of the mix and area are you massaging in a circular each party, leave for a few minutes and then rinse well with water, do NOT use more soap after this, so act all night all ingredients in your skin and the effect will be better.

Your shower stays smelling the coffee and you too so do not be alarmed by this, the cafe has a very strong aroma and remains a good time on the skin.

Also, you could be a little stained by color coffee, which is also normal but something very, very slight color that leaves your skin and dries off the towel could really be something stained.

The following day is bathing to remove any residue of this color left on your skin and then use your cellulite or moisturizer.



If you do it every day, you’ll see after three months (depends on your perseverance) improvement in cellulite. The skin will smoother and more luminous, this recipe is very good for improving skin appearance.


Whenever you make coffee at home, stored in a covered container all the coffee used you stay in the bag filter your coffee and keep in the fridge, and whenever you make the process do the mix, if it is tedious, but as they say to be beautiful must-see stars.


Belkis Barajas

Founder & CEO
Author Details
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.
Founder & CEO
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.

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