Acne is a major concern for many people, is one of the main reasons that we usually go to a beauty professional or medical dermatologist, is becoming a more common disease that can affect us greatly in our self-esteem and even more if we work towards the public.

Acne is a disease, also known as common acne or acne vulgaris, this appears as skin breakouts, and although you may not believe every day more people suffer from acne, more or less seven out of ten teenagers suffer from this disease, and many adults at some point in their lives has also affected them.


el acne enfermedad


Affects the sebaceous glands, begins with a folliculitis, inflammation and ends after the infection of the pore leading to the appearance of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and scars occur mainly on the face and upper trunk (chest and back), when the follicle is blocked sebum and skin buildup, oxygen cannot penetrate and this helps the bacteria that causes acne to grow, multiply and inflammation occurs and so due to the pressure it has to come out from our dermis.



etapas del acne


Teenagers are those who most suffer from this disease, puberty begins to appear due to the hormonal changes of this age. The good news is that most teens after going through this stage of development will no longer have it.


acne que es y como curarlo


In adulthood is also likely to begin to suffer from acne, and in my experience in esthetics is one of the most difficult to combat.


acne en adultos



Acne can be classified into different levels of severity:


Soft or mild: This type of acne causes a few breakouts, which are usually comedones.  Here we see the so-called white spots (those that are under the skin) and blackheads (not necessarily for being black means that your pores are dirty).

Moderate:  This type of acne is usually seen inflammatory breakouts in almost half of the face (between 10 and 40 injuries) and other more may appear on your back or chest, but do not usually be many, the type of breakout that leaves are called papules, pustules, and some comedones.  The papules are red inflammation that usually hurt when touched and pustules are red inflammations and have a white head, also called pimples (the white head is an infection known as pus).

Moderately Severe: In this type of acne breakouts usually appear as nodules, papules, and pustules, more or less in the middle of the face, chest, and back also often shoulders.  Nodules are big and red inflammations, they are within the skin and are very painful, some people call them pimples. 

Severe:  Most inflammation in this type of acne is severe, very large, and painful.  Here we discuss nodes (found inside the skin and big, painful, solid) and cysts (which are deep, painful, pus-filled and most of the time leave scars) may also be accompanied by all previous breakouts. This type of acne has to be very well treated because it is very likely to leave scars and blemishes.



The causes of this disease are numerous, those with oily skin are more likely to have some kind of acne. 

  • Hormonal changes during adolescence are the most common.
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  • Genetic predisposition, if parents suffered from acne is more likely that a child has it.
  • Birth control pills.
  • Some medicines cause side effects such as the appearance of acne.
  • Some makeup.
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Poor eating habits.
  • Menstrual cycles. 


There are many factors that are causing the acne.



It’s a little difficult trying to give some advice to prevent or cure acne because each case is unique to me.

The most important and something that I recommend to my clients is to lead a very healthy diet and especially fat-free or at least try to consume it in the least, also consume lots of green vegetables in your meals.

The good daily hygiene plays an important role, especially in the age of adolescence as our teenagers are more careless when cleaning (I have several cases) when teens wake up or go to sleep some don’t wash their faces, and that is very, very important so that the pores are not clogged and oxygen can penetrate and do their job.  

If you go to the gym, always keep a facial soap with you and then when you have finished exercising go to the bathroom and wash your face thoroughly so that you eliminate all kinds of impurities and dirt from the exercise, I do not like wet towels or Cleansing towels for this, it’s better a good face wash with special soap and water, it will never be as clean if you just wipe your face with a wet towel.  



There are many treatments for acne, it depends on the type of acne you have and age.  

Many people with mild acne can be treated as natural homemade remedies, creams, and soaps without a medical prescription and good daily hygiene. For other types of acne medications are Topics (creams), oral pills, laser, etc. 

In the market there are many creams without a prescription that could help improve acne, you can get soaps, creams and today there is special makeup for this type of problem, most contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, and you can get them in any pharmacy.  These creams are very good, but before you use them you have to try on a small portion of the skin in case of some reaction and that can cause some kind of allergy or irritation to your skin.

Aesthetic treatments:  These treatments you can get them in spas, you can go to a cosmetic specialist that can make you a good facial cleanser and then a treatment for acne. Many specialized and certified aesthetic have good treatments to reduce acne, just go to the ones who are certified before turning for help to one of these places. 

Medical treatment: Doctors Dermatologists are specialists in treating these diseases, often prescribe special antibiotics to fight the bacteria that causes acne and topical creams that you can use and are usually derivatives of vitamin A or retinol, but all cases are different, and NOT all creams work for all types of acne.



If you want an opinion from professional esthetics, this is what I can tell you: If you suffer from acne or if you see you are starting to get acne, do not let time pass, go see a dermatologist because a good diagnosis gives a good result, and then your doctor will give you more recommendations for you to use alternatives to combat acne, nowadays dermatologists work closely with aesthetics specialist which is great because if you take medicine and you are using prescription creams and combine it with a good cleaning routine in your house and a few visits to your specialist cosmetic the result is much better

Always keep a good cleansing routine and a healthy diet, your skin, and body will thank you!

I wrote this article today, to inform a little more to my followers on this topic, acne is a very broad topic and I  try to summarize it in a short and clear way for you so that you can make a decision on what to do if you happen to have to deal with this problem.

In a future article, I will give you some tips and will recommend products to help combat this problem a bit if you have questions or want to share an experience don’t forget to leave a comment or contact me via email. 

And always remember that clean skin is healthy skin!


Belkis Barajas

Founder & CEO
Author Details
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.
Founder & CEO
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.

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