You Need:

  • Vaseline
  • Tissue
  • Clear plastic (Glade wrap is perfect)
  • Small washcloths



Fuera puntos negros



  • When you did your shower is perfect because the skin temperature is higher and the pores are open for clean.
  • Apply a little Vaseline in your problem area.
  • Cover the area with a piece of Glad wrap and apply the hot towel (you can wet the towel with hot water, be careful if the temperature is too high) and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Wrap your forefinger with the tissue and squeeze gently the area with blackheads, if the blackheads don’t come out after two or three attempts leave it, do not try again, because you can damage your skin.
  • If you have any mask for acne skin you can use it, or you can use one of my Great Product Click here


Belkis Barajas

Founder & CEO
Author Details
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.
Founder & CEO
I am passionate about facial skincare, and with more than 20 years of experience as a beautician, I want to help many people through this blog, with my advice, natural recipes, and beauty tips, accompany me on this beautiful journey.

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