As it is very rare that I recommend something I have not tried, I gave myself the task of finding it, it feels, how much, and what results are obtained with this treatment, “laser hair removal”.
No woman we like the hair on any part of our body, particularly me shave with wax, for me it is a healthier hair removal method and has gradually been eliminated, I have already done several years and I’m really happy, today I will tell you “My experience with laser hair removal.”
This method is relatively new, which to me scares me a bit if I can confess because everything new is not fully tested and its consequences are not yet known, but that is my opinion.
The laser to remove hair has to destroy the follicle, as it does? The hair contains melanin is what gives color when the light beam with a specific wavelength and intensity interacts with the hair, the light energy applied is absorbed by melanin transformed into heat, this is known as photo thermolysis (SPTL) selective, resulting in the destruction of the hair bulb without affecting the surrounding tissues. To eliminate different types of hair, different types of lasers are used.
But my curiosity was stronger and wanted to go further than just research online. I was figuring the site’s costs, but the fact that that did not help much because they vary so much and more with these coupons you get on the Internet today. But in the end, I decided on one and take. That if I secure first place was a certified specialist with licenses (Always investigate before going to a place offering treatments of any kind) for this type of practice.
The first thing they told me was that it was almost always about 6 sessions and that the safest thing was that after the sixth session had to have tweaks for total hair removal, also told me to stop shaving with wax, and one or two days before the session had to shave, I did not explain well why but find out.
It should shave one or two days before the treatment area laser so that the energy absorption thereof is optimal, every shot of light emitted is absorbed by the skin where the hair follicles, the aim is it absorbs the most energy, and for this, the hair should be short, so energy is no obstacle to come to an end.
As if he had not mentioned before, the area I decided to try was the bikini, it seemed the best option because if it was I would save a few sessions of waxing. The first treatment was not as bad as I imagined, I tell them that if it hurts and hurts a lot, is a burning sensation and burning I can not describe, it was bearable, what most caught my attention is that it was not completely what they did. After applying the laser 10min or so I was ready, then I applied a lotion of aloe vera to calm down a bit my burning and redness of the skin.
The procedure for the following treatments was the same, no lotions or creams for the body before the session of the laser and shaves the day before.
Over the days not notice anything different, a little itching in the area, some redness in 3 first days. They spent 4 weeks they recommended I to go to the next treatment.
No news this day, only the laser intensity in this session would be a little stronger, the truth that day hurt me more than before, try to hold as much as I could so that the technician could cover more area it would try and achieve it, endure bravely that day my session tormenting beauty.
As above some redness, burning, itching, is a strange feeling, maybe it’s like when you burn and the skin is sensitive to any touch.
I must tell you that in these next 4 weeks did not see any results or changes in my area, I expected them quickly, or those were my expectations, but it was not.
We kindly ask the technician when you could see my changes, and she said that from the third session.
Like the previous laser intensity was higher and of course more pain I felt that day, but also hold as large and finish my red sign and an unbearable burning. That day I thought “Ok … so far, no more … no longer I perform this madness”.
The following four days I was irritated with an annoying itch, but later step.
Not if it was my skepticism, but I really did not see any change in my area treated.
I know … I said I would not return, but he had already paid for the 6 sessions and only had to endure a couple of sessions.
This day really YES it hurt, I was about to leave in the middle of the session, as strong pain, and redness or tell me to leave this session. As earlier with aloe vera gel to calm the irritation and go to! next patient.
This time I recovered in exactly five days, and this time if I saw a difference in my hair, grew slower. Upon reaching a day before the fifth session had hairs that still did not fully emerge to the skin, I can tell you more or less 20% of the hairs had not gone well if I get excited.
This day was almost equal to that of the fourth session, the laser intensity increases, pain and smell like burning hair were worse … But hold and manage to finish the session between complaint and grievance and some other little break.
It really is very intense pain and thinks that the technician told me that the last session would be the strongest.
Today get mentally prepared for pain, and although more or less 50% of my hair had not yet gone out, it helped me to give me more encouragement to endure what was coming.
Upon entering the room of hair removal, technical warns me that this time will be stronger pain and try to endure what she can to make it more quickly.
Also was endurance and pain were awful, not as some people are made for more sessions, I could not more.
I end my session and excruciating pain, everything Rosara me caused me pain, redness, and itching of the following days, was very strong, but my torture was over six months one session per month plus or minus 10 minutes, and pain 90% were over. The only thing I expected was that my hair too.
As the weeks looked the same, 50% of the hair not growing as fast as the others, and I thought, OK, I’m gone that 50% of hair is not bad, maybe if it was worth paying all this money to this end.
Since today is the last 10 months of laser treatment, and the truth of that 50% of hair that did not appear, return 20%, ie pay to remove 20% of the hair on the bikini area. The hairs that come out are thinner, but still, keep coming, and I do not remember you pay for a laser treatment that turned me my not very favorable.
All people who did tell me that they never more hair grows back, I did not happen to me, not if it’s true or not what I say, but the hair grows back, it is a little weaker for a while, I admit. Not if it took me a few more sessions to see the best results, do not know, the fact is that I do not work as I thought, I also think it did not help much that my hair was not as thick. Another thing is that the laser can not be placed throughout the bikini area has its restrictions of use in those areas.
I still shaving wax quietly as I have always done, I have not thought to try it again, but sometimes round in my head, the question Sera that the laser they used on me was the most successful? I know people who have terrific fared and some do not, you end up shaving or shaving occasionally.
You tell me if you found it, they used laser hair removal on my left the CANDELA brand, is that they are a reputable company with regard to laser hair removal, but they used me was a painful laser, and as I told I not give me a good result.